1. In-Game Name: Jereds
2. Real Name: Jered Giller
3. How Old are u: 23
4. List of Commands: (This depends on the core that you run but i will list all that i know)
Spawn control:
.SETSPAWNNPC <CreatureID> [Number] - Sets NPC id and (optional) amount to be spawned
.SETSPAWNGO <GameObjectID> - Sets gameobject to be spawned
.SETSPAWNDIST <min> [max] - Sets spawn radius (or two radii min and max)
.SETSPAWNTIME <min> [max] - Sets interval (or two intervals min and max) to spawn new NPC/gameobject instead of killed one
.EXPORTSPAWNSXY <map> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <filename> - Exports rectangular world area to file
.DELSPAWNSXY <Map> <X1> <Y1> <X2> <Y2> - Remove spawnpoints in rectangle
.DELSPAWNS - Remove all spawnpoints in current zone
.RESPAWNALL - Respawn all spawnable objects or NPCs
.CLEANUP - Remove all spawned objects or NPCs
Characters commands:
.RESURRECT - Restores target spirit or body to life.
.EXPORTCHAR <PlayerName> <FileName> - Exports character to separate file
.IMPORTCHAR <FileName> - Loads character from separate file.
.LEARN <SpellID> - Cause targetted player to learn spell .DELSP <SpellID> - Cause targetted player to forget spell
.UNLEARN <SpellID> - Same as .DELSP
.LEARNSK <SkillID> [SkillLevel] [MaxLevel=SkillLevel] - Cause targetted player to learn skill
(many skills cannot be learned): to learn a weapon skill, use .learnsk <SkillID> 230 300;
to learn an armor skill, use .learnsk <SkillID> 1 1.
Can also be used to change the proficiency of an existing skill.
.DELSK <SkillID> - Cause targetted player to forget skill
.UNLEARNSK <SkillID> - Same as .DELSK
.CLEARREP - Clears all reputation changes for target.
.DISMOUNT - Dismounts you in case you are stuck
.SETXP <XP> - Sets Experience Points for target player
.SETCP <TalentPoints> - Sets Talent Points for target player
.KICK - Kicks player off server
This is only a small portion!
5. Where are u from: California (United States)
6. Can u control urself: Yes I can control myself
7. Past Experience: 3 years GM on Steel-WoW
It got shut down because The owner (Collin) Got a virus that hacked his computer and it wiped everything off of it.
It was running on the ArcEmu Core
Requested by Scarr and Thamix: We need to now more about your past experience.
EDIT: On Steel-WoW i was responsible for: Overseeing the GMs (Lower ranking), Help build the mall make everything have fair prices.
Also I was supposed to Find bugs and report them to the admns/owner. the server was high rate (X100)
There wasnt any leveling roads. You had to quest which was really fun =)). I was the Gm who took my job seriously but i was also a friend to the players.
EXAMPLE: When i finished my job i would level like a normal player, Group up and do raids. I only did this After i triple checked that i had completed my job.
My job is the first priority. Fun is last.
Hope this helps!
8. If someone asked for items,Gold or levels what do u do: /whisper (NAME) Hello, I am not able to give you gold, items, or any levels. Is there anything else you need?
9: How can u help server:I can greatly improve the server by: Answering all the tickets that come my way, be friendly,
And report bugs to the higher ranking staff.
10. How many hours can u play: Around 7 hours
11. Do u play retail or any other servers: I have retail account but i only use it when server is down.
Thanks for considering me,