1. In-Game Name:Doomzday/Pwnsmack
2. Real Name:Alan(AJ for short just call me it xD)
3. How Old are u:I am 15
4. List of Commands:.gm on .ticket on/off .gm fly on or .cheat fly .mod speed/hp/rage/mana .kick player[name] [reason] .ban player [name]
5. Where are u from:Wayne, NJ US
6. Can u control urself:well of course i have GM'd on naxpgaming, furiousw.tk and some others even ran my own server
7. Past Experience:goes with number 6
8. If someone asked for items,Gold or levels what do u do:I tell them sorry that i am not allowed to give players items and if they are missing something they had tell them to make a ticket
9: How can u help server:i know how to spawn items and come to resolutions
10. How many hours can u play:about 4hours minimum
11. Do u play retail or any other servers:i dont play any other servers i just play retail and found this 2 days ago