1. In-Game Name:
2. Real Name:
3. How Old are u:
4. List of Commands:
Ascent commands ((includes aspire trinity and most other ascent branches)) .Character Learn <Id> .Character additem <Id> .Npc spawn <Id> .Mod (includeing heath mana attackpower ect ect ect...)) <Id>
Mangos (Includes mangos only) .additem <Id> .ban <Offender> <Durration> <Reason> .Ticket .Ticket <Id> .Delticket <Id>
Wasn't sure of wich core you are useing...
5. Where are u from:
6. Can u control urself:
Yes.....You should add a situation to this question like......If someone is slandering your ability as GM how do you handle the situation?? I would Remind him of the respect GM rules twice then ban him for a day.
7. Past Experience:
Co-owner of beastly and Smashingwow for over a year togther between the two, bounced around aimlessly landing on a small server called Nextwow recently left due to disagreements with the owner
8. If someone asked for items,Gold or levels what do u do:
Tell them once to stop, then remind them of the no asking rule, then mute for an hour.
9: How can u help server:
My combined experiance of navicat and 2 years of admining and gamemastering will allow you to have someone who will devote time to players in need of help, I also can create custom cities in my spare time work on custom items.
10. How many hours can u play:
12+ a day
11. Do u play retail or any other servers: Currently I am no longer a member of retail wow and I play a server called wowpwnage wich has lost its luster to me so I am seeking something new...
12. Why did you apply to be GM for our server?
I see a bright future ahead for this server and i would jsut like to lend a helping experianced hand.